Feb 27, 2022
Copy Protect Crack is a software that works with all types of data including music, videos, software and documents to prevent .
KakaSoft USB Copy Protection Full Download.
Apr 3, 2022
KakaSoft Copy Protect Crack is a free software that enables you to copy protect your files without having to buy or install additional hardware. .
May 23, 2017
To get the latest copy protect software and updates visit the website and download it. .
External links
KakaSoft USB Copy Protection Review
Category:Data security
Category:Software copy protection
Category:2001 softwareQ:
Emoji Ậ with a dot above
How can I show an emoji with an Ậ with a dot above it? I can't use the emoji nor the font. It should look like the following:
I don't even know how to search for this on Google so I'm struggling to find an answer.
This is an emoji in Latin-1 which is written as Ậ in Unicode. You need to use the following Unicode character:
$ echo -n "â º¬" | xxd
0000000: e2 86 a5 01 00 a6 02 00 ac619d1d87
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